Friday, June 09, 2006

A book is a window to the world Part 4

Part 4

What's my fixation with journalists? I dunno. I am married to a man that loathes the media . . . media as in reporters. But I have a great admiration for those reporters (mostly from the old school who are fading fast) that have brought us the world, good, bad, or otherwise and especially for those who broke new ground like Jessica Savitch, NBC's first woman anchor.

Here's my short list of favorites, bios, autobios, and miscellaneous. Not in any order (except for the first book listed):

Bios, Etc.
A Good Life, Ben Bradlee (my favorite, I'm partial to the Washington Post anyway)
Golden Girl, Alanna Nash
Reporting Live, Leslie Stahl
And So It Goes, Linda Ellerbee
The Camera Never Blinks Twice, Dan Rather
Exposing Myself, Geraldo Rivera
Off Camera, Ted Koppel
A Reporter's Life, Walter Cronkite (a couple of years ago I went to "A Conversation with Walter Cronkite" when he visited the performing arts center nearby. In his 80s then, he still was as sharp as a tack and the house was packed)
Nothing But The Good Times, Molly Ivins (my favorite political columnist)
The No Spin Zone, Bill O'Reilly (I know, I lost my mind for a minute when I bought this book. I guess I got caught up in the spin)

Odds and Ends
I love columnists and their books. My shelves are sprinkled with:
Erma Bombeck
Art Buchwald
Andy Rooney
Dave Berry

Just to finish up this series of posts I couldn't leave out my love for plain old bios of any kind. I have many books on the Kennedy's, the Onassis family, the Royals, Elvis, and John Lennon, Best: Lennon Revealed, Larry Kane and Loving John: The Untold Story, May Pang

I have enjoyed working on this blog about what I like to read. While scanning my bookcases I have dusted a few books off and had a good time just going through some that I haven't read for years. One night I decided to count the books (I know I need a life!) just to see how many there were . . . 638. That's a lot of dust collecting. I also decided to sort some of the older paperbacks out and pass them along to the local nursing home.

I'm currently reading Blink, by Malcomb Gladwell. I'll let you know more about it later.

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