Monday, June 05, 2006

A book is a window to the world Part 3

Part 3

Along with having a Borders and Barnes and Noble close by we are fortunate to have several used bookstores in the area. I'm not too sure how good that is for my pocketbook, but my friend Nancy and I love to spend time browsing in the used bookstores. I've come up with some pretty good books by accident. And I don't want to forget the good old dollar stores because they are a great place to find out of print books.

I love to read about other cultures and ethnic groups. Amy Tan is one of my favorite authors. I was introduced to her writing in an Ethnics and Minority sociology class I took several years ago. The instructor required us to watch the Joy Luck Club, and I read the book shortly thereafter. I was hooked. Since that time she has written many books. Best: The Bonesetter's Daughter.

Before I go on to a list I want to mention Jimmy Buffett, of all people. I love his writing style and his characters. I have all his books. Best: A Pirate Looks at Fifty. Island hopping with Buffett when I was in my fifties through his book was great.

Well here we go . . . odds and ends, fiction, non-fiction and some never heard ofs and again not in any order:

More Odds and Ends
Jimmy Breslin's The Sweet Short Dream of Eduardo Gutierrez. Now would be a good time to read this book with the immigration situation as it is.
Dead Opposite, Geoffrey Douglas
Until Death Do Us Part, Ingrid Betancourt
The Ashes of Waco, Dick J. Reaves
Above the Clouds: A Reunion of Father and Son, Jonathan Bach (this is the son of Richard Bach who wrote Jonathan Livingston Seagull the 70s book that everyone had to read.
Calm at Sunset, Calm at Dawn, Paul Walkins
Shadow Song, Terry Kay
The Beach Club, Erin Hilderbrand
Beach Combing in Miramar, Richard Bode
All of Robert James Waller's books, read them all, have them all.
Bridges of Madison County, Old Songs in a New Cafe, Border Music, Best: Slow Waltz in Cedar Bend
Are You Somebody? The Accidental Memoir of a Dublin Woman, Nuala O'Faolain
Snow Falling on Cedars, David Guterson (the movie was a disappointment after the book)
Most of James Patterson's books, especially the Alex Cross series, but Patterson's Sam's Letters to Jennifer was a great read.
I have read and have most all of John Grisham's earlier books, but nothing recent. After he switched genres to write A Painted House I discovered Patterson and never went back to Grisham.
As far as romance authors go Jayne Ann Krentz is at the top of my list. I loved her Eclipse Bay trilogy.
Noah benShea's Jacob's Journey and Jacob the Baker

Enough for now. Still to come the journalists and media reads.

1 comment:

Jim Wheeler said...

I must admit, that IS an impressive list. You put most of us to shame. I have only heard of a few of the books and or authors. Nice post.