Monday, July 10, 2006

Working out of my comfort zone

I wish I had time to decide if I am getting slower or the days are getting faster. Whatever the problem, I keep running out of day.

I haven't blogged for a week. It seems each night there is something else that takes priority or maybe I should say I allow something else to take priority. After staying up until 2:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday I just hit bottom last night and crashed about 8:30 which wasn't very productive.

I have been struggling with a simple little report that I volunteered to put together. All the work was already done, all I had to do was pull it all into a document, but I had to use WORD. I hate WORD! I am an old PageMaker person and WordPerfect is my choice for reports or documents. The process was a challenge and with the help of my friend Carole (at least I hope she is still my friend) I learned some new things about WORD.

I am one of those people who must constantly have a challenge or I fear I might turn into a vegetable. When I am in the middle of a project that stresses me I swear up and down I will never get myself into another mess like it and then turn right around and do the same thing all over again.

I have to work outside of my comfort zone or I don't feel like I am growing or contributing. It has nothing to do with proving to someone else that I can do something and everything to do with proving to myself that I can do, whatever.

It's nice to have friends that kind of understand that and bail you out in a pinch.

Thanks Carole for the help!!

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