Saturday, July 01, 2006

My pink piggy slippers are missing!

Have you ever misplaced something in your house and you know it's got to be there somewhere, but you just can't find it? Well, my pink piggy slippers are missing. The ones that go oink when you pinch their head. I need my piggy slippers!

My piggies are to me what Linus' security blanket is to him. When I am stressed and need to chill out I have to have those slippers on.

Mind you, we live in a small six room house with two closets. How can you misplace a pair of slippers, each one the size of a shoebox?

I don't have a clue what happened to them. I'd hate to think that someone broke into our home undetected and ripped off my pink piggies and left everything else in tact, but you never know, anymore.

Let's hope I find those suckers soon or I may be in a bad mood.

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