Saturday, September 24, 2005

Attitudes and altitude

I have a huge framed poster on my office wall of a plane flying upward through a bright blue cloudless sky leaving a white jet stream behind. The caption reads Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude. It's one of my favorite motivation phrases and I probably look at it a dozen times a day for affirmation. It's also one of the first things you see when you sit down in my office and the positioning of the poster is intentional.

It doesn't really take all that much to have a positive attitude. It does, however, take some work to stay positive, especially with so much suffering and turmoil in our world right now. Here are a few tips to help you keep a healthy attitude:

-Start your day with a prayer. Praise the Lord for all that you have instead of worrying about what you don't have.

-Promise yourself that you will make a difference in just one person's life each day.

-Take a few minutes to read something inspirational everyday.

-Don't dwell on negative news.

-If something is not right in your life fix it if you can and if you can't move on.

-Be an encourager to others.

-Keep the company of other positive people.

-Enjoy a sunset with someone you love.

Regardless of whether you are trying to move up the career ladder or be a better stay-at-home mom having a good attitude will make you a better person and inspire others.

1 comment:

Glenda Council Beall said...

where did you go? I like your blog, but you haven't posted in a long time.
Are you coming back?